میزان تأثیرپذیری شیخ کلینی از حسین بن سعید اهوازی در کتاب کافی

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 استادیار گروه علوم حدیث، دانشگاه قرآن و حدیث قم ،قم، ایران

2 دانشجوی دکتری، گروه فقه و مبانی حقوق اسلامی، دانشگاه آزاد قم ،قم، ایران


حسین بن سعید اهوازی از شخصیت‌های شاخص سدۀ دوم هجری، صاحب روش نوینی در جامع‌نگاری است؛ به‌گونه‌ای که کتاب‌ها و شیوۀ ایشان در تدوین کتب، الگو و ملاک سنجش کتب مؤلفان قرار گرفته است. این پژوهش در تلاش است با روش اکتشافی، ضمن بررسی روایات حسین بن سعید در کتاب کافی که یک اثر جامع فاخر شیعی در سدۀ چهارم و از کتب اربعه شناخته می‌شود، میزان تأثیرپذیری شیخ کلینی از حسین بن سعید را در دو جهت ساختاری و محتواییِ تدوین کتب اثبات کند. پس از بیان اینکه کلینی حدود یک‌بیست‌وسوم کتابش را به‌واسطۀ 17طریق معتبر از حسین نقل کرده که نشان از اهتمام جدّی وی به جایگاه علمی و شخصیت ایشان دارد، برای اثبات تأثیرپذیری ساختاری، تعداد و عناوین کتب دو محدّث را مقایسه کردیم. بااینکه در نگاه اولیه، در تعداد کتاب‌هایشان اختلاف داشته و در عناوین کتب، اشتراکات کمتری دارند؛ اما با نگاه محققانه اثبات کردیم که هر دو در تعداد کتاب دارای 32 کتاب و در عناوین، صاحب 19عنوان مشترک‌اند. همچنین شیخ کلینی در گستردگی موضوعات روایاتش که ما در چهار موضوع فقهی، اعتقادی، اخلاقی و تفسیری دسته‌بندی کردیم، تابع شیوۀ تدوین حسین بن سعید بوده و با توجه به اینکه هدفش، نقل روایات صحیح است، در 56 باب، اولین روایت و در 26 مورد، عنوان باب را دقیقاً از همان روایات ایشان، انتخاب کرده که نشان می‌دهد وی در انتخاب محتوای کتابش هم، تحت‌تأثیر روش نوآورانۀ حسین بن سعید بوده است.


عنوان مقاله [English]

The Degree of Impressibility of Sheikh Kalaynī from Ḥusayn Ibn Saīd Aḥwāzī in Kāfī

نویسندگان [English]

  • Mehdi Gholamali 1
  • Mohammad Taze Mard 2
1 Assistant professor, Department of Hadith Sciences, Qur'an and Hadith University, Qom, Iran
2 PhD. student, Department of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Islamic Azad University of Qom Branch, Qom, Iran
چکیده [English]

Ḥusayn Ibn Sa’īd Aḥwāzī is one of the prominent personages of the second and third centuries, and he is the owner of a new method of writing in Hadith collections. While validating him, Imami scholars have considered him as one of the narrators of Imam Rizā, Imam Javād and Imam Hādī (pbuh). As a writing style, his method has always been noted in Rijāl sources, and narrators such as Ali ibn Mahziyār and Yūnus ibn ‘Abd al-Raḥmān have been influenced by his method. The 30 books of Ḥusayn Ibn Sa’īd are so famous that advanced scholars even compare the previous works such as the works of Ṣafwān ibn Yaḥyā with his books and in some cases, such as the works of Muhammad ibn Ūrmah, consider the books of Ḥusayn Ibn Sa’īd to be the standard of authenticity.
Materials and Methods
Sheikh Kalaynī also benefited from Ḥusayn Ibn Sa’īd's innovative method of compiling a book during the Ghaybat Ṣughrā. Only two of the 30 writings of Ḥusayn Ibn Sa’īd are available today. But by rereading enough books, you can recover a significant part of the traditions of Ḥusayn Ibn Sa’īd's books. To understand the degree of influence of Ḥusayn Ibn Sa’īd Ahwazi on Sheikh  Kalaynī, his collection of hadiths in the Kafī book was extracted, as well as the chapters and books of Kafī with the titles of Ḥusayn Ibn Sa’īd's books and were subjected to a comparative study. After researching using the exploratory method and using library and citation sources, the following results were obtained: Sheikh Kalaynī has narrated 675 traditions (about 1.23 of Kafī) from Ḥusayn Ibn Sa’īd in his book Kafī in 17 authentic ways. It tells about his insistence on narrating traditions from him and the high status of Ḥusayn Ibn Sa’īd and his books in the eyes of Sheikh Kalaynī. Also, the multiplicity of narrating ways expresses the position and high number of Ḥusayn Ibn Sa’īd's copies in the fourth century. And it can be assumed that Sheikh Kalaynī has received Aḥwāzī's works many times in different ways of carrying hadith such as listening, reciting, allowing, etc. - from his elders. In the number and names of books in Kafī, Sheikh Kalaynī has also received a structural influence from Ḥusayn Ibn Sa’īd and tried to choose the number and names of books and chapters according to the books of Ḥusayn Ibn Sa’īd.
Results and Findings
In the initial dealing with the books of the two narrators - Aḥwāzī and Kalaynī - we find that Kafi has 35 books and Ḥusayn Ibn Sa’īd has 30 books, and the common titles of their books are only 16 books. But when we examine it with a more detailed and investigative look, it becomes clear that both of them have 32 books and 19 titles in common.
Sheikh Kalaynī, in Kafi, has narrated from Ḥusayn Ibn Sa’īd in the form of 430 chapters. In this research, his traditions in Kafi were categorized into four topics: jurisprudential, belief, moral and interpretational, and it was revealed that Sheikh Kalaynī, like the works of Ḥusayn Ibn Sa’īd, observed thematic diversity in the selection and narration of hadiths. Taking into account the fact that Kalaynī's method is to present the correct traditions in Kafi, clearer traditions in each subject are also given at the beginning of each chapter. In 56 chapters of Kafi, he quoted the first tradition from Ḥusayn Ibn Sa’īd, and he has chosen the title of the 26th chapter exactly from the wording of the hadiths of the books of Ḥusayn Ibn Sa’īd.
According to the research conducted and the documents provided, we find that:
Firstly, compared to her previous and later works, the 30 books of Ḥusayn Ibn Sa’īd had innovation, content validity and special fame in the earlier period.
Secondly, Ḥusayn Ibn Sa’īd's books have been the standard for comparing and measuring hadith works.
Thirdly, in terms of the number of parts of the book, Sheikh Kalaynī has arranged it exactly equivalent to Ḥusayn Ibn Sa’īd's books, and most of the titles of Kalini's books - more than sixty per cent - are common with the titles of Aḥwāzī books.
Lastly, in the content of the chapters, while reporting the traditions of Ḥusayn Ibn Sa’īd, Sheikh Kalaynī has adhered to the concepts and traditional texts of Aḥwāzī, and in a significant number of chapters, he has prioritized the reports of Aḥwāzī over others. According to what has been said, the effects of Ḥusayn Ibn Sa’īd and his books on Sheikh Kalaynī and Kafi book cannot be denied.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Ḥusayn Ibn Sa’īd Aḥwāzī
  • 30 books
  • Sheikh Kalaynī
  • Al-Kafī
  • influences and impressions
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