تحلیل دلالت روایات تفسیری لیل و نهار بر تکامل تدریجی تاریخ و عصر ظهور

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 استادیار، گروه معارف قرآن و حدیث دانشگاه معارف اسلامی، قم، ایران (نویسنده مسئول)

2 دانشجوی دکتری مدرسی معارف اسلامی، دانشگاه معارف اسلامی، قم، ایران/


 قرآن کریم سکون در شب را در مقابل طلب فضل خداوند در روز بیان کرده‌ است؛ اما براساس منابع اسلامی، تاریکی شب، موعد مناجات و درخواست از خداوند است. به همین سبب، فضل را به رزق و سکون را به آرامش تفسیر کرده‌اند. پژوهش پیش رو با روش توصیفی‌تحلیلی به بررسی تفسیر رواییِ ابتغاء فضل پرداخته و با استفاده از قرینۀ تقابل و نیز بر پایۀ روش تفسیر قرآن با قرآن، مراد از سکون در شب را تبیین نموده و حکمت جعل آن برای شب را برمی‌رسد. یافته‌های پژوهش حاکی از آن است که برخی روایات تفسیری، در مقام بیان بطن آیات، لایه‌های درونی واژگان لیل، نهار و سکون را به حکومت طاغوت، حکومت حق و بهره‌مندی اندک از ولایت اهل‌بیتk معنا کرده‌اند. نتیجۀ حاصل از چنین بیانی دست یافتن به حکمت چنین تقابلی است که به‌نوعی پرسش چرایی پدیداری حکومت‌های ظلم را پاسخ می‌دهد و بر کارکرد آن حکومت‌ها در نظام احسن خلقت و تکامل تدریجی تاریخ در بستر آن‌ها دلالت دارد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

The Implication Analysis of Interpretive Traditions of Night and Day Regarding the Gradual Evolution of History and the Era of the Mahdi

نویسندگان [English]

  • Mohammad Hadi Mansouri 1
  • Mohsen Fazel Bakhshayesh 2
1 Associate Professor, Department of Quranic Studies and Hadith, Islamic Sciences University, Qom, Iran, (Corresponding Author)
2 PhD. Sudent, Islamic Sciences Teaching, Islamic Sciences University, Qom, Iran
چکیده [English]

In numerous verses of the Quran, the Almighty God highlights the contrasting benefits of night and day, considering them manifestations of His mercy. These verses juxtapose the tranquility of night with the pursuit of blessings during the day. Some exegetes have interpreted the pursuit of blessings as striving to earn a livelihood and, based on the principle of contrast, have understood the tranquility of night as rest and cessation from labor. These exegetes, relying on the apparent meaning of the verse, have presented this interpretation. However, interpretive traditions, by delving into the inner layers of the verses, offer a fresh perspective and a novel understanding. This article endeavors to examine this contrast from that perspective. Notably, this topic has been extensively discussed in various tafsirs (Quranic commentaries). These sources have some shortcomings such as a disregard for hadiths and the precise meanings of tranquility and blessings. The present research aims to rectify these shortcomings by utilizing these works and paying attention to the hadiths of the Ahl al-Bayt (as).
Materials and Methods
Transitioning beyond the surface layers of Quranic verses and striving to grasp their deeper and esoteric meanings necessitates a comprehensive and ijtihadi approach. Therefore, paying attention to the hadiths of the Ahl al-Bayt (as) as a fundamental source for understanding the inner meanings of verses is essential. However, since these hadiths do not encompass all Quranic verses, the exegete's effort and ijtihad to comprehend the deep layers of the verses is inevitable. In this paper, by examining the meaning and concept expressed in the hadiths of the Ahl al-Bayt (as) for "seeking the blessings of God" and utilizing the context of contrast, as well as relying on the method of interpreting the Quran with the Quran, the meaning and purpose of "tranquility in the night" are explained and the wisdom behind its creation is investigated.
Results and findings
In numerous hadiths, the Quranic term "layl" (night) has been interpreted as referring to the tyranny of Ţāghūt. Similarly, in many hadiths, the term "nahar" (day) has been interpreted to signify the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), his Ahl al-Bayt (as), Imam Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance), his uprising, and the reign of truth. The term "faḍl" (favor) has also been interpreted in hadith sources as referring to the guardianship of the Prophet and his Ahl al-Bayt. In the Quranic verses, "tranquility" and the "seeking of divine favor" are presented as the benefits of night and day, respectively. The research has revealed that the confinement of these two benefits to night and day is a form of rhetorical emphasis. Findings from this research indicate that certain interpretive hadiths, in revealing the inner layers of the words "layl," "nahar," and "tranquility," have interpreted them as referring to the tyranny of Ţāghūt, the tyranny of truth, and limited benefit from the guardianship of the Ahl al-Bayt (as), respectively. The conclusion drawn from such an interpretation is the discovery of the wisdom behind this contrast, which, in a way, answers the question of why oppressive governments arise and highlights their role in the best of all possible worlds and the gradual evolution of history within their context.
In numerous verses of the Holy Quran, the Almighty God juxtaposes the benefits of night and day, presenting them as manifestations of His mercy. According to these verses, the primary benefit of night is tranquility, while the primary benefit of day is the seeking of divine favor. By examining the meanings of the words "layl" (night), "nahar" (day), and "fḍdl" (favor) in the hadiths of the Ahl al-Bayt (as), it becomes evident that "layl" refers to the tyranny of Ţāghūt, "nahar" refers to the tyranny of truth, and "fḍdl" refers to the guardianship of the rightful Imams. The findings of this research indicate that the seeking of divine favor during the day signifies benefiting from the guardianship of the Ahl al-Bayt in the era of the Mahdi. Therefore, by employing the principle of contrast and considering the relative nature of tranquility, it is established that the tranquility of the night refers to the limited benefit of the guardianship of the infallible Imams in the world prior to the appearance of the Mahdi. Moreover, the wisdom behind dividing human history into night and day may lie in God's will for the gradual and spiral-like evolution of human society. The prerequisite for gradual evolution is the creation of an environment conducive to tranquility, where progress is difficult to achieve. The Quran refers to this environment as "layl," which, due to the people's limited benefit from the guardianship of the Ahl al-Bayt (as), provides a suitable context for gradual evolution.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • seeking divine favor
  • Complementary opposites of night and day
  • Step-by-step development of history
  • Serenity of the night
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