رجعت و مستندات روایی آن در تفسیر قمی


دانشگاه ازاد اسلامی


رجعت که در حیطه معناشناختی بازگشت به مبدأ است، در اصطلاح امامیه، به معنای بازگشت دوبارۀ رسول خدا2، ائمهk و گروهی از دینداران حقیقی برای رسیدن به بخشی از پاداش، و گروهی از کفرگرایان و معاندان ایشان به دنیا برای رسیدن به عذاب استحقاقی است. این دیدگاه، با مخالفت اهل سنت مواجه شده است. علی بن ابراهیم قمی در تفسیر خود روایاتی ذکر کرده که بر قطعیت رجعت تأکید می‌کند. مقالۀ حاضر به روش توصیفی‌تحلیلی به بررسی روایات و استنادات علی بن ابراهیم قمی در خصوص مسئلۀ رجعت در تفسیر قمی پرداخته است. در این پژوهش، روشن شد که قمی با استناد به روایات ائمهk که از جهت سند حمل بر صحت می‌شود و از جهت فراوانی به تواتر می‌رسد، وقوع آن را قطعی می‌داند. در بررسی گونه‌شناسی مباحث رجعت در تفسیر قمی دانسته شد که مسائل استدلال بر صحت رجعت، گروه‌های مشمول رجعت، رجعت به‌مثابۀ وعدۀ الهی به آل محمد2 و فلسفۀ رجعت که انتقام از معاندان است، مورد توجه قمی قرار گرفته است.


عنوان مقاله [English]

The traditions of the Imams (pbuh), the criterion of the difference between the messenger and the Prophet

نویسنده [English]

  • Abdul Majid Taleb Tash
University of Azad Islamic
چکیده [English]

Dialect of Quran in naming divine prophets with two different titles of messenger and Prophet, Dual address of Quran to Prophet of Islam with either "yā ayuha al-Nabī" or "yā ayuha al-Rasūl", and introducing him as "Khātam al-Nubīīyn" without referring to "Khātam al-Rusul", Significance has grown among Muslims who are constantly repeating and maintaining their continued presence in Qur'anic and commentary texts, and so far no definitive and final answer has been obtained. The question is, what is the difference between messenger and prophet? This problem makes the companions of the Imams to look for the answer in their speechs; so Imam Bāqir (as), Imam Sādiq (as) and Imam Rizā (as), in separate but identical answers, have considered the prophet who hears the voice of the angel or he sees her in a dream, but the messenger higher than him and sees the angel in wake. This quote has been the basis of the thinking of many early Shiite and Sunni scholars, and for many years this response has been the criterion for separating the Muslim intellectual process. Perhaps the main reason for this is the interference of the name of the Qur'an and its addresses to divine prophets that the reader of the text of the Qur'an cannot obtain a clear answer. But from an unspecified historical point in time, one illogical opinion come to the Qur'anic texts and gradually gained popularity. According to this opinion, the messenger and the Prophet are related to the Shari'ah and the Book of the Prophet (pbuh), in the sense that the messenger refers to a prophet who has his own Book and Shari'ah, and a Prophet who preached the Book and Sharia of the prior Prophet. Is itself. It is argued in this paper that the famous opinion has no basis for traditional, literal, and rational reasoning, so the Imams' view has been accepted as a legitimate reference for explaining the Qur'anic verses.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Prophet
  • Messenger
  • Revelation
  • Quran
  • Angel of Revelation
  • Raf'at and High Authority
  • Mission

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